Hey! Let me introduce myself quickly and tell you the three most important things about me. The three things that I am highly passionate about and what makes me who I am.

One is my interest in Business. With over 9 years of education in all branches of the Economy, I specialized in Marketing that I am using on a daily basis to drive my business forward.


The second is my passion for Gaming in Video-games industry. Ever since my brother put a controller in my hands at the age of 6, I saw the beauty and potential of the video games industry. With a single click on the play button, you can explore the worlds you will never get the chance to do in real life. There is more than meets the eye in the gaming industry.

Bonus points! I enjoy hiking and mountain climbing. In my spare time, you can usually find me hiking somewhere and as I barely try to catch my breath. I find it heavily therapeutic for my brain. There is something deeply calming in walking through dense forest, climbing rocks and ultimately gazing upon a mesmerizing view from the top of the mountain. Also, some pretty good ideas come to mind in the process.


And the last one is obviously my love for Writing. Although I started writing about 7 years ago when I started college, I am still new to this profession as a published author. I came from filming and directing short documentaries and music videos but that was almost impossible due to the lack of time and resources as a college student. But my brain is always coming up with new ideas and I had a problem with what to do with them.

That was until one day a friend of mine said to me “Why don’t you just start writing a book?”

After a couple of short stories that ended up in the garbage, I started to write my first book. Due to certain unfortunate events, I abandoned it. Luckily, that all changed in 2019. Step by step and with the help of my closest friends I managed to start writing again.

And one day, while having a cup of coffee I started writing my second book, but the first book that is published titled “What do you really want?”